When it comes to fractions, kids often struggle to keep the numerator and denominator straight. Those two words are long and challenging to remember. That’s why I decided to share with you today some fraction mnemonics that will help your kids learn those two words.
I also have a mnemonic for teaching them the steps for dividing by fractions. Hopefully these two memory tricks will help take some of the tears away from working with fractions.
Fraction Mnemonics
Numerator and Denominator
It can be challenging for kids to remember that the numerator is the number above (or in the case of fractions with a slash, the number before) the denominator. Here are two memory tricks that can help them keep those two words straight.
Tell them that “d” is for “down” and “denominator.” That will help them remember that the denominator is on the bottom.
To help them remember that the numerator is before the denominator, teach them this phrase:
Nice Dog
Dividing Fractions
When you divide any number by a fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal (the flipped version) of the fraction. So the steps for kids to remember are:
Keep the first number or fraction. (Don’t change it!)
Change the sign from divide to multiply.
Flip the second fraction.
And this phrase will help them remember that:
Kentucky Chicken Fried
Know any other fraction mnemonics? Share them in the comment section.